Each day in the summer I stop at The Rose House more than once, inhale the pollen from my favorite roses, hold it in my lungs, and mediate on it, because it reminds me of my grandfather’s garden, which is so far away. One day, I see The Rose Lady in her garden and tell her just how much I appreciate and admire her hard work. Now we are friends.

The most important part of convivial life is to appreciate, celebrate and support the passions and work of the people that surround us. It creates energy out of no physical fuel.

My purpose in life is to use my creativity to imagine a better world and then actualize that world with my heart and hands.

I do this as a human being first, then a writer, business strategist, designer, artist and performer.


My mission is to create tools that allow people to re-evaluate their convivial life and act on it.

The first tool is a hand-made accordion book titled, “Make Good.” It is a collection of five tales, of variable lengths, that are folded together and can be folded apart. The text is interactive, encouraging you to highlight, note,add, subtract, move content, remove content, write, re-write, draw, turn to sound, gift, and translate.

The second tool is called, “The Five Gates of Friendship,” and it is a physical manifestation of the first. Each gate is engraved on the interior with a moral from one of the five stories. You walk in, read the moral, and walk through. It provokes strangers to do something together in public space and entices people to read the tales in “Make Good”.




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